Christmas always seems to creep up on us and every year we tell ourselves to be more prepared, whether that’s starting your Christmas shopping earlier or telling your team you’re going to plan your Christmas campaigns six months prior. Like every year, time passes us by and before you know it, it’s November and the last time you thought about Christmas campaigns was the year before, when you were in the same predicament.

Christmas campaigns are a great way to speak to your clients or potential customers and there’s so many ways to do this! Christmas cards are great, but they don’t stand out amongst the crowd anymore. It’s such a busy time of year and every man and his dog will be fighting for their customers’ attention, so what on earth can you do?

Luckily, we have some ideas to help you out…

Offline marketing

Last year, we sent out branded advent calendars for one of our clients. Their customers and potential customers had a full month of exposure of their brand on their desks, as well as a talking point in the office – clever huh?

But there are tons of ways to make your clients feel wonderful over the Christmas period whatever your budget. You can personalise most things with your brand, from chocolates to baubles, but most importantly, what will make them smile and as a bonus increase your brand awareness; is it social media share worthy?


Making your brand align with Christmas always works, coffee chains like Starbucks and Costa Coffee have really honed in on their Christmas themed coffee cup packaging and Starbucks’ ‘red’ cup is now recognised by millions of people and now associated as ‘the start of Christmas’. They also have specific Christmas themed drinks that are only available once a year, making people buy-in to their products.

Can you make any of your packaging Christmas themed, is there any festive messaging you can add to make people feel good when they receive your products?

Online marketing

A big one is the different sale days across retail and ecommerce, ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’ are huge. If you have any offers on for these days across the festive period, make sure your audience knows about them by promoting online via your website, social media and in-store too. Update your social media banners with any offers that you’ll be doing and your website headers to get your offers out there and get involved and use popular hashtags.

Involve Christmas traditions into your campaigns, for example 12 days of Christmas is a great way to add an offer for each day across your online store or instore, the urgency of an offer only lasting one day will force your customers into acting quickly!

The Christmas period is such a busy time, often people are too busy to search the web for ideas or they have too many people to buy for are running out of ideas, why not get in there first. Gift guides are a brilliant way to gather a few of your products together, make it even easier and create gifts guides for ‘her’ or ‘him’. That way, straight away your customer can find exactly what they need and more! These can be created and published on a blog as well as social media.

Videos! Helpful tips on how to wrap presents quickly or Christmas recipes are brilliant content for social media to increase brand awareness and ultimately influence your customers into purchasing from you.


Depending on your businesses ethos and culture, you might want to invest Christmas marketing funds into helping others and donate money to a good cause. You could partner with a charity or simply donate all the funds you would have spent to a worthy cause!

 We love everything to do with Christmas and what’s more is we love coming up with ideas to get your business in front of your customers or to simply impress your clients. If you’re struggling, get in touch by emailing [email protected]!

Sophie Kyle

Author Sophie Kyle

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